Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Festivus is Coming

This year, Festivus falls on December 23. Don't roll your eyes. It's got as much legitimacy as quite a few other holiday observances, like Christmas. Christmas today is little more than a combination of clever marketing and slipper socks in the wrong size.
Everyone is sick of Christmas. Go ahead, ask them. The obligations for cards and presents, the music, the distracting tinsel everywhere. So why celebrate something you look forward to about as much as paying taxes?
This year we've missed the boat. But next year, as Joe Pesci is my witness, we'll have the pole up, the airing of grievances, the feats of strength, and all the spaghetti you can eat.

* I feel I should add that this is not meant to be simply an emulation of Seinfeld. It's meant to be a celebration without the commercial aspects of that other holiday. So there is a purpose behind it. Really.


naladahc said...

We'll be there.

Unknown said...

The beauty of it is that it's a blank slate holiday. It's completely up to us as to how to observe it. That being said, I will loosely follow the 'Festivus Orthodox' traditions as laid out by Frank Costanza.

Betty said...

you're going down quick during the feats of strength, yo

Unknown said...

Oh, the smack talking is already starting? You know that Festivus isn't over until someone can pin me.

Gigamatt said...

You know, as out of shape as we are, it is likely that there will be at least one trip to the E.R. and possibly someone flailing about on the floor unable to get up.

Unknown said...

Oh the feats of strength will not involve full on wrestling...they will be tailored to our, uh, lack of talents. The most strenuous part will probably be the hula hoop contest.

Unknown said...

One of the rules of the Feats of Strength is you can always decline if you have something better to do.
More will be decided on...we've got 366 days to mull things over.