Wednesday, September 29, 2010


2.9 days down, 2 to go. The weather is finally starting to shift away from the never-ending summer heat this year. My love of hibernation is crepping back...nothing like being snuggled under the covers on a cold morning. But it's not all rosy - I need to start watching my calories, the combination of less activity and recently ramped up food intake could spell trouble if I'm not careful. I spent years working this off, I'll be damned if I put it right back on. Part of that is dating...I will admit, I'm less vigilant about diet when I'm involved. But who isn't? Still, that's no excuse. Time to banish cookies and ice cream from the kitchen I'm afraid...sniff.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Memory Lane

Another weekend is in the books...friday was a bit of a mixed bag...we watned to attend the concert, but the weather wasn't the best for standing outdoors for several Chris and I joined brand and Scotty for a little sushi at Haiku. After that, we still had a bit of a concert bug, so we drove up to check it out. There was a large crowd, but Weezer still wasn't on stage - over 2 hours after it started? Shortly after we arrived, an intermission started. We weren't really feeling it, so we decided ot go check out a movie instead. Watched "The Town" - much better choice.
Saturday was the Microbrew Festival at the North Market - so much fun, so many nice beards - I forgot which we were there to check out. The evening was spent entering a food coma of shame. No regrets.
Sunday was a lot of fun...I couldn't really decide on a course of action - I wanted to get out, since we'd spent the entire night before parked on the couch. Chris suggested a road trip to Cinci, to check out his old haunts and visit Ikea. Sold. I had a great time, he lived there for about 9 years, so lots of memories to share - I've been there a few times, and kept getting reminded of places I'd been or seen before. I still couldn't find my way around that city to save my life. We finished off with dinner at probably the best Indian restaurant I've ever visited. So much fun. Two days was not enough.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Attending a free Weezer concert tonight with Chris and a friend. Hoping the weather cooperates, it sounds like it might be turning bad right around concert time.
Tomorrow should be a lot of fun, planning on a long enjoyable day with a few peeps. We may partake of a couple different culinary temptations/disasters if the mood strikes; I'm guessing it will.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook, along with this message:

My mom has been pretty sick for awhile. Last night, on “One Tree Hill,” they showed a video for a new song by Amy Kuney called, “Hope a Little Harder.” It is a montage of pictures and short video clips in which people express what they hope for. And there, about 3:10 in, is my beautiful nephew, Will, in his dorm room at college. He holds up his hand, and written on his palm is, “I hope that my Grandma gets better.” Of all the things that a teenage boy could wish for..... Made me cry just a little.

That is beyond beautiful. I hope his mom is having a restful night of sleep.

Monday, September 20, 2010


If you told me I'd make pizza with squash, I would have told you that you were crazy. But you know what? It was pretty damn good.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bbq Bug

I'm getting the itch to have one big end of season cookout. I have a large pork shoulder sitting in the freezer, just begging to be seasoned and thrown over some coals. At this point, it looks like October is the timeframe. Mmm...pork.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wedding Review

Chris and I went together to the wedding this past weekend, had a great time with the extended family. It was the usual boozy blowout that's to be expected at these sort of gatherings. We missed out on the free prostate exams, but other than that we were in the thick of things there. Last night he said that he loves my family. Which is good, because if he couldn't stand them it would make get-togethers a little awkward and painful.

Overall it went very rained a bit during the outdoor ceremony, and there was a power outage for about 2 hours at the start of the reception, but the beer was still cold and the food was still hot, so no worries. Congrats to Josh and Lindsay!

Traveling Sideshow

This is a day of goodbyes...

Loverboy is leaving for a business trip this morning. If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then it follows that I'll like him even more on Friday when he returns. Is that possible?

Bethany and Richard are also leaving today...returning home after about 1.5 weeks in the states. I got to see them twice over the course of their visit. Usually it boils down to one hurried evening in a pub or restaurant. We didn't manage a Waffle House visit this time, but hopefully they were able to squeeze one in on the way to the airport. Need to schedule a trip over the pond to visit, and soon.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I can't believe my niece is getting married this weekend. I remember her coming down to Columbus to help me move into my first apartment when she was all of, oh, 3 years old? Amazing how time flies. She had a fairly restless childhood, being shuttled constantly between parent's and grandparent's homes - what you'd define as her home environment was in a constant state of flux. But if you met her, you'd never think she came from anything but the most loving and stable background possible. I'm amazed at how she has really struck out on her own and become her own person. She's not looking back, or settling for anything. Proud of her.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Another Labor Day rolls up...I have fond memories of doing as little as possible on this last summer weekend. It's been a stressful week at work, so a little break is very welcome right now. This year brings one, possibly two cookouts on tap, and a Monday fairly free at the moment. Relaxation. Bring it on.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yes, that is today. Discuss.