Sunday, December 16, 2007

Basement part XVIII

Normally, a blog entry after the storm we had yesterday would be full of tidbits about how many times I emptied our shop vac, or how deep the water was in the downstairs bathroom.
Our backyard by the rear fence is a (quickly freezing) lake this morning. This has happpened two or three times since we moved in...when the ground is wet enough for that, it's time to call off work, roll up your pant legs, and head downstairs for Operation Vacu-Suck.

However, the basement is, for all intents and purposes, dry. There was a little water by the wall, but I wiped it all up with one bath towel, so no need to roll out Megamaid. A cup of water, instead of few dozen gallons. The tide is turning...

1 comment:

naladahc said...

Obviously, I wish you the best.

Alas, I now have to wait until spring to deal with my little problem.