Monday, August 2, 2010

Whirlwind weekend

This weekend was sort of a paradox. Set out to be a relaxing, do-nothing kind of weekend, but actually packed in a decent amount of activity, between gym, hanging out with friends and an afternoon cookout. Yet it was still very relaxing. Not a lot of activity mind you, but enough to qualify as being out and about. The Goldilocks level, I guess.

One thing I've really enjoyed this year has been getting to know Chris' group of immediate friends in town. I'm not a terribly social animal, so making new friends is generally a rare experience. They seem to operate at mroe or less my same speed, low maintenance guys that eschew drama and are perfectly happy just enjoying a summer day together, talking about whatever floats into your head...or just savoring a moment, like a nice day out in the sun. My kind of homos. Drama and gays seem to go hand in hand quite a bit, needing to know everybody's business and discussing it ad nauseam, never really getting any deeper than that outer layer of social gossip. It's refreshing to meet people who are comfortable existing outside of that realm.

With Chris, it's funny...sometimes I wonder if he thinks we're seeing too much of each other, for example by hanging out all weekend. Then he'll make a statement on Sunday night like 'So do you want me to finally get out of your hair?' - he's wondering the same thing about me. I know right? Little things like that are so endearing.

1 comment:

Chris said...

The Boys are pretty awesome, aren't they? I feel fortunate to have run into them.