Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hump Day

Another...wednesday? I think. This week has been a blur for some reason, not in a bad way. You know those memories of big events in your life - the irst time you rode a bike without training wheels, or the first time you propelled yoruself through the water? And that warm feeling you get inside when they happen? I've been feeling like that for a couple of weeks now. And I like it. A lot. Staying grounded, but I feel like I'm starting a journey here with Chris. I'm being more optimistic about it than cautious in my mind lately. It's not that I really expected anything to develop, but it's happening on its own. That's something I was never good at in the past - I always had a tendency to put the cart before the horse, and rush into emotional/romantic situations before I knew if this was even somebody I could sit in the same room with for more than 90 minutes. We've spent a lot of time together in the last several weeks, and we've used that time to get to know each other. I appreciate him on many different levels - not just for one or two aspects, or purely for physical reasons. And I don't have to subjugate my interests, or delve into them on my own when I get a free moment - he and I do share a good number of common interests, which is a rare thing indeed for me. I can be myself - what a concept.
Usually at this point I'm finding out if this person is worth my time and effort, and if there's anything here worth pursuing. Signs absolutely point to yes. Feelings of falling in love have been brought up. That's generally a good sign. :)
He told me I'm nearly off probation, so I guess that means I can stop holding in gas or something.

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