Thursday, August 19, 2010


Now with extra stain fighters.

I just realized that today marks 5 months since I decided to break the cycle and stop smoking. I bought my last pack on March 19...once that was gone, that was that. I would bum one occasionally or have a puff from somebody's here and there, almost always when drinking. But that stopped after several weeks.
I wasn't a heavy smoker by the standards of the International Chain Smoking Institute, but since stopping I have noticed more lung capacity, and I no longer cough disturbing looking things up in the shower each morning. My skin also looks better, and I feel a lot better about myself without my conscience nagging me that I know better. And, I have an extra $20 or so in my pocket each week. Which isn't much, but that covers most of my lunch budget.

It's been a good year - got in shape again, stopped my nasty vile habit...progress!

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