Thursday, November 15, 2007

With apologies to my vegetarian readers

Around thanksgiving, I always find it difficult to concentrate once the turkey is in the house. If I'm passing thru the kitchen, I have to take a peek and say hello to future dinner, and leftovers, and a week full of food heaven. Yeah, the diet's going well.
We're having dinner this saturday, with the immense mound of mashed potatoes, a gallon of gravy, cranberries, rolls, stuffing, veggies(yes mom, I eat them now) and some wine. Oh yes, and pumpkin pie, unless Shaunn eats it before saturday.
I've got a great stuffing recipe that I've used for a few years. But I take the heretical route and make it without celery. It's a meal in itself. And it just gets better after a couple of days.

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