Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The trip

We made it back last night a little before 7 our time. About 6 hours for the drive, which was about an hour and a half less than the drive out there (ODOT decided to take I70 west down to one lane for some bridge work. On friday night at 6pm, around the intersection of 70 and 75. We went about 10 miles in an hour. fun.)

We got to see most all the relatives for dinner sat night, over some wonderful Chicago-style pizza and beer...and visited grandma and her roommate Dorothy at the nursing home. Those two need their own tv show - a weekly broadcast where they tell stories of the crazies around them, like the Soup Lady, the Mad Kisser, the others who apparently hum. A lot. Very funny.
We stayed at grandma's house, and all wondered about what it would take to keep it in the family. Lottery winnings sounded like the best option.
Kelmeister and Mr. Pickles kept our cat happy while we were gone,, for which we're very grateful. They apparently spoiled him though, as he is very attention starved today.

We visited the train show, and I got a few things. I'm working right now on the loco I bought, which didn't work right out of the box. More on that in a bit.

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