Today I had to stop and get some food for the cat while running some errands...Dr Zoidberg will only eat Science Diet food, so I stopped at Petco, one of the few places that carries it.
The shelf price listed cans for 69 cents each, or a case of 24 for $16.56. No special deal there, but it would keep the cat happy for a few weeks. The cases were split in half, with 12 cans in a box. So I grabbed 2 boxes and went to the cashier.
She scanned each box's bar code. But each box rang up at $16.56, even though it only had 12 cans. I asked her if that was right, she looked at the screen and said 'oh yeah, it says $16.56 for 12 cans'. I decided to see what the receipt showed...sure enough, There were two line items, each listing 24 cans at that price, not 12. I'd been charged about $35 including tax. She had double charged me. I'm not sure where she saw 12 cans listed, but it wasn't in the item description on my receipt.
When I turned to head back to her, she already had another I went over the the next cashier. I explained that I'd been double charged, and billed the 24-can price twice. She called the manager, he went and checked the shelf price. He called her and confirmed the correct price.
This is where the math fun started. She looked at me and said 'Well, that price is for a case of 24, and you have two cases'. I looked down, pulled one of the cans from the box, so she could see there wasn't another layer hiding underneath it, and reminded her that there were only 12 cans in each box. She said 'no, there's 24, and you have 2 cases'. At this point she was really getting snotty, so I said in a raised voice "How many cans do you see here? There's 12 in each box. I have 24 cans total. Each can is 69 cents. I shouldn't have been billed $35."
At this point the manager arrived, and explained to the little rocket scientist that I had 24 cans, but had been charged for 48. She still looked puzzled, so he told her to just credit me back for one case, and walked away. She pushed some buttons, slammed the credit receipt down for me to sign, slammed down my copy, turned her back and stomped off. Apparently I was an asshole for not just paying double and going home.
As I picked up the boxes, I loudly suggested to her that she try some of the math classes at school. Somehow, I doubt she will.