Friday, July 23, 2010

Nothing Ventured

This past month has been completely out of left field. I've gone on about it on here, so subscribers know the details. I'm pretty sure I didn't hear anybody tell me in the month of May "I know right now you're going along, doing your own thing. And it's fun, and you're enjoying yourself quite a bit. But you're about to meet someone who is going to change your perspective on a lot of things, and challenge your expectations of people. And here's the best part: he won't want to change you. He'll appreciate you for who you are, warts and all. Be ready, and don't miss it when he comes along."

I wasn't expecting to meet someone who I would start thinking I wanted to pursue something serious with. But here I am. And it's amazing.

Another quote has been kicking around in my head since last night, from Richard Bach "All the people, all the events in your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose do do with them is up to you." It seems to fit almost perfectly with what I've been feeling the past several days. but this time I think I'm approaching it differently. I'm keeping myself grounded, and not letting my emotions get ahead of me. It feels good, it feels right. Wish me luck.

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