Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well, dad passed away one year ago today. I took the day off, and spent most of it just keeping myself busy -running errands, getting caught up on the dvr, painting some little telephone poles for the layout. Little busywork stuff. Not that watching tv is work.
I can't say it was an especially sad day, just trying to wrap my head around the surreal fact that it's been a full year. Time to crack open a Guinness and have a toast to dad.


Brian said...

Wow, a year already. I will be sure to grab myself a pint tonight at the Middleton Claddaugh in memory.

Gigamatt said...

The most I was ever around your dad was (I think) at Beef's graduation party... I remember thinking "wow, I wish my dad knew how to party like their dad" (and thinking surely he knew we were all up to no good behind the house.)

I will toast his memory with a pint after work, thinking about his laughter at all our silliness.

Unknown said...

His attitude with all that stuff was pure long as we weren't bothering someone else, it wasn't an issue.