Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Light up more gooder

Last night when I got home, I did a little work on the lights. I played with the lights that I installed, and found that the 'glow' looks better with just the tips of the leds poking up thru the table, instead of laying haphazardly on the floor of the building. This also saved some length of wiring, which will allow me to illuminate more buildings on a single light string.
I also did some experimenting with color...I found a simple and cheap way to change the light's color from the harsh white to a softer yellow glow.
The solution? Don't laugh...Yellow tissue paper, taped to the inside of the buildings, along with scotch tape applied to the window glazing to diffuse the light. (It looks better than it sounds).
Pics o'plenty will be up sometime this week.


naladahc said...

Um. I meant to tell you. That's not really "yellow" tissue paper.

Unknown said...

No wonder it was so cheap...