Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Layout version 1.1

I've mentioned in the past the shortcomings of my layout. I've been looking over the past few months on how to address those. i had wanted to do an entirely new setup, but the paint is barely dry on the current one. So, I've been looking for anything to change the current one.
The main things I wanted to change are:
- make all curves a minimum of 22 inches in radius.
- More rail siding areas.

The challenge is to make the layout bigger while not changing the size of its footprint.

This is what I've come up with...the changes are in red. The two curves in red are currently 18 inch radius. This works fine for what I have, but most of the larger (and cooler) equipment I've been lusting after require a minumum 22 inch curve. I think there's enough room to make these curves wider...the lower one in the pic though is right next to the town. There will be major work to make this curve larger. But, there's room for it. I can probably salvage most of the scenery, as it's all on foam insualtion board, I can just slice and remove it. Maybe. But if not, it's only glue and colored can always be done again.

The other big change will be a new rail yard, where rail cars can be dropped off/picked up. The current table has no more room for additional tracks, so the solution is to make more table. I'll have room for this if I move the control panel around the corner ofthe layout from where it currently is. And the extension won't stick into the room any further than the current table.

These changes will take care of most of my wish list for a long time. I will probably start this work when the real winter weather starts.


Anonymous said...

Call me if you need earthquake or giant robot devestation to "clean the land" so to speak.nala

Gigamatt said...

And here I was thinking you were going to have to make a double-decker landscape... ala dyson sphere.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...double-decker layout...

Gigamatt said...

You could even do a theme... like maybe Futurama's layered New York.