Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happiness is a belt

Well, I've been trying to pare back my weight for the past few months, and this morning, I was down to 170. That's about 30 lbs less than at the end of summer.
This morning, I had to do something I haven't done in a couple years - put on a belt. I could barely get this pair of pants on last year withour fear of making the button go 'ping' and disappear. Now, I need a belt to hold these up. Result.
My secret? Just common sense, not eating like I live at hometown buffet. Now if I stop counting cheese and crackers as dinner and have a salad instead, I could probably lose another 10 lbs fairly quickly.
Ugh. I just found one of those gargantuan Hershey bars in our fridge at work - some genius gave these out as Xmas gifts. I did have a salad for lunch, so it'll all work out. And I did eat half of it last year.


Unknown said...

I don't think a more perfect snack exists than saltines and a nice block of cheese.

Betty said...

nice one, bro! that's really impressive!

and i'm a fan of carr's water crackers--they have a pepper flavor, too. i'm partial to cheddar and or muenster.

kelmeister said...

Dummy, your pants are SUPPOSED to be big!! I can take my jeans off without unbuttoning them. And no, it's not from any great weight loss...I just buy my pants real big. I'm gangsta like that.

Gigamatt said...

Mmm, cheese and crackers.

(and this, my friends, is why I am not losing weight. this, and the fact I'm not trying to curb my eating.)

Unknown said...

Another side benefit is that I can wear all my old unfashionable clothes that now fit again.