Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The fun never ends

I'll bet you never saw this coming...the firewood, somehow, is slowly migrating from our side of the back fence to the neighbor's side. Really. Shaunn said he thought it looked different yesterday. So, I took a mental inventory of the neatly stacked pile last night, and there were 3 fewer logs this morning. I'm really too old and I think too mature to actually have to have a discussion with the neighbors about stealing f***ing firewood. I know we can buy a truckload for $50 anyway. So I'm just going to let it go, and let Claude spend the next several weeks staying up all night to steal wood, if that's what really makes him happy.


Cate said...

Maybe you could somehow nail them all together so you have one giant mass of firewood? Or wrap barbed wire around the pile?

Unknown said...

This is the kind of idiotic crap you see people fighting about on those Judge Judy shows.
Maybe I should glue some of it together just for a laugh.

kelmeister said...

you should put it in your shed.

and you need a surveillance camera trained on the backyard at all times.

Unknown said...

I was planning on moving it this weekend to the shed, if there's any left by then.