Monday, June 2, 2008

New Old Plants

At happy hour a couple weeks ago, a coworker of mine mentioned that she had several daylilies and hostas that she wanted to thin out - she said they were free to anyone who wanted to stop over and get them. I wanted more plants to finish off our front garden, and these would be perfect.
Now a job like this needs a truck, so I enlisted Gigamatt for help - he's the only person I know with a truck - and we went over saturday morning to get them. The plants were arranged around the edge of Cindi's deck, and had been there for at least 10 years. They were enormous. After an hour or so of digging, we'd taken at least a dozen plants - and even split in half, they were still about 2 feet wide.

By the time we loaded the plants, stopped off for mulch, had breakfast, and got back to my house, it was going on 1pm. Giga set off with a few plants for his place, and I decided it was too hot to start digging up the front. So I put them all in a shady spot, and watered them a few times the rest of the day.
The plants survived overnight, and I set out early sunday morning to get them in the ground. There wasn't space for them all up front - I planted 3 lilies and a hosta in a smaller bed by the back door. They took up a lot more space than I realized, but that's fine - I don't think we need anything else for this year. I can't wait until these really start to fill in!

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