Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mo Basement Fun

We had huge amounts of rain over the past 2 days. Not at all like some other places had, but we saw at least 5 inches in our end of town.

The basement, although not dry, held up fairly well considering the deluge. Thursday was the worst, we had close to 3 inches in just a couple of hours. The basement remained dry for that. It didn't leak until last night when we had another downpour, but I was able to clean it up in about 10 minutes. But then we had more downpours early this am, and I was awakened by the sound of water trickling into the floor drain. It's stopped seeping in now. But apparently 3+ inches of rain is the new breaking point -a step up from how it used to flood any time we saw more than one.
I've been able finally find the source of the problem -driveway runoff that all pools in one spot by the chimney. So I'm off to Lowe's to buy materials to hatch yet another cunning plan.

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