Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow day

I had scheduled today off work a couple weeks back. Perfect timing so I could avoid the snowy rush hour drive today.
Plus...I'd get to try out the snowblower!
So I stepped outside this morning to start it for the first time. I get it (and my hands and winter coat) gassed up and pull the starter cord. It comes to life right away. Nice.
The snow auger that chews into the snow has a clutch handle like a lawn mower blade..so I pull the handle, and the auger starts spinning. I release the handle to stop it...and the auger keeps spinning. Hmmm. I jiggle the handle's control cable, and still no change. I shut it off, and start messing with the cable, which was attached but was pretty loose. After about 30 minutes of adjusting and re-adjusting, I have it taut enough so that the handle stops the fun when I want it to.
I go inside for a fresh coffee, come back out, and...it's raining. Lovely.


Betty said...

oooh, sorry about all those emails in your work inbox!

Brian said...

I thought I was going to read about a snowblower mishap. Glad to see you didn't lose some fingers.