Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Best Laid Plans

Remember that deorbiting spy satellite I mentioned? It must hate freedom...W has decided that the Pentagon needs to launch a missile at it. Which will create a cloud of orbiting pieces of ex satellite.
This is s step that has never been taken before.
Never mind that our country got all high and mighty and scolded China about being irresponsible when they did the same thing to destroy one of theirs last year...and this couldn't possibly be a show of force after Iran launched a satellite earlier this month.
Either that, or it has a decent chance of hitting a populated area. But I'm sorry, with W involved the first thing to question is his motivation.

1 comment:

kelmeister said...

On NPR last night, they kept doing this awesome thing where someone being interviewed would mention the TOXIC FUEL OMGWTFLOLBBQ EVERYBODY PANIC, or a reporter would mention the TOXIC FUEL OMGWTFLOLBBQ EVERYBODY PANIC, and then they'd make a point of stressing that you'd have to breathe in a hell of a lot of the stuff--like HOURS OF CONSTANT EXPOSURE TO THE CONCENTRATED GAS--and that it dissipates so quickly that there's absolutely no chance in hell of anyone getting sick from the satellite, so why are they shooting it down? And their voices would kind of trail off, like an unspoken "We're leaving it to YOU to decide their nefarious purpose."

It was so awesome, I just kept laughing.