Wednesday, October 13, 2010


That one guy (you know the one) is out of town on business this week. He's going to be out of town on business during the week for the next 3 weeks in a row. He decided he wanted to spend more time together until this little stretch started, so he's been staying at my place for the past week.
I haven't blogged much about my feelings on the situation lately, not by design. But things are...well, I don't believe in perfection, but it's going really well. We don't smother each other with affection - neither one of us has a tendency to be overly sweet. But I know how he feels about me, and vice versa. It's getting to that cool/slightly creepy phase where you realize that you can start predicting some of the other person's actions and words, because they're ingrained on you to that extent. Nobody likes being called predictable, but everyone has their routines and habits. I like it. Definitely interested in seeing where this leads. Now if we can only control our desires for bad food...

1 comment:

Chris said...

See you and beer soon!