Monday, February 28, 2011


Less than impressed with the dealer visit. I woke up last friday and drove, in a snowstorm, to the dealership a dozen or so miles away. When I arrived, the dropoff area was full of people, both customers and staff, all with clueless expressions on their faces. After about 20 minutes, someone motioned me over to his station, I started to explain why I was there, but he cut me off stating that the service dept. was using a new computer system that had just crashed...and they could do nothing at the moment. I tried to show him the paperwork I'd brought, showing that my car had the component that needed replacing, but he said that they would have to check that themselves. Fair enough.

I went out to the sales area and waited. I had just finished my first cup of car dealership coffee when the tech appeared again and called my name. He confirmed that yes, my car was in a recall, and yes, my car had the defective component that needs replacing. Well, thanks. I knew that. He said the system was still down, and they couldn't really do anything beyond that at the moment, but would go ahead and order the part (supposed to already be in stock) and let me know when it was in.

More or less a waste of a morning. And I'm still waiting for that call. One issue is that they kept my recall letter, so I couldn't go to another dealer. I'll give them a week to get their act together...if I don't hear from them by Friday, I'll be heading over on Saturday to request that either they schedule to have the repair done, or they return my letter so that I can go elsewhere.

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