Thursday, December 2, 2010


I had a dream about dad last night that I had to get down in writing. We were at a pub, mom, dad and I. It was a weird place (hey it was a dream after all) set up like it was a converted house, with rooms and hallways everywhere. Irish theme, with strings of lights decorating everything. Many rooms had little bars that only sat a few people.
Anyway, I remember I'd gotten up to find dad, he'd left us to go to the bathroom or something and it had been a while. I remember walking through many rooms, not finding anything. Then I turned a corner, and there he was, wearing his little cap, staggering a bit, obviously had a lot to drink. He saw me and he smiled, and put his arm around my shoulder and said "It's so good to see you again".

And then I woke up.

1 comment:

Betty said...

d'aw. made me smile. :)