Monday, October 6, 2008

New Look

The weekend wasn't all spent riding trains and rubbing elbows with other train geeks...

Since we bought the house, I've wanted to do something, anything, with the back porch. It was sort of fenced in with plastic lattice panels, and was pretty dated looking. Shaunn painted them a few years ago, but that just made them more obvious. It just needed a new look.
I knew that they had some large bamboo rolls at Home Depot - I'd seen them earlier this summer when garden shopping. I thought they'd be perfect to replace the lattice and update the look. The nice weather gave me no excuses to stay indoors, so sunday was the day.

I bought them and was pleasantly suprised that they were cheaper than they were in June. ($17 each instead of $25) They each measure 16 by 6 feet, so I could cut them in half and make it double-sided.
We took down the old lattice, and then cut them to hang in their place. The panels are pretty light, so they don't need heavy duty mounting. I secured them with some cable ties.

The result is much better, and more open feeling, while offering more privacy. Not bad for $50 and about 2 hours of work! Now to do something about that tin roof.

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