Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well, I broke down and bought a new camera. They had one on clearance on Sears that had a nice large lens for good light gathering, and a nice 12x optical zoom - most of the point and clicks go to 4 or maybe 5x. That's nice for my train blog, where 75% of my pictures are taken.

I need a little practice with the focus settings...I tried to zoom in on this new bloomer in the garden, but it seemed to focus on the background plants.

Besides seeming to have a pretty healthy appetite for batteries, I'm happy with it so far. Can't wait to get some shots in Southold with it!

1 comment:

atomicbird said...

I get that focus-on-the-background problem sometimes too.

There are some relatively new rechargeable batteries that have done a great job in my camera. They're sold by Sanyo as the "Eneloop" as well as by Sony, Ray-o-Vac and maybe a couple of others under different names, but the key to recognizing them is that they say they're pre-charged and ready to use (where most rechargeables say you need to charge them first). They're not cheap but in my experience really are a lot better.